Wednesday, 27 June 2012

z3x box

Samsung 3G tool 12.6 released
Z3X Samsung 3G tool 12.6 released.

Added full support for I9300 (Flash Unlock Repair)
Added full support for B5512B (Flash Unlock Repair)
Added full support for S5690L (Flash Unlock Repair)
Added full support for S5300 (Flash Unlock Repair)
Added full support for S5302 (Flash Unlock Repair) world first !
Added full support for T999 (Flash Unlock Repair) world first !

Support files updated. Now 720 Gb samsung files!

More updates are coming ..
 Samsung 2g tool 3.5.0037 Update

- Added read codes for S5380
- Added read codes for S5380D
- Added read codes for S5380G
- Added read codes for S5380F
- Added read codes for S7250
- Added read codes for S7250D

Note: for reading codes please write patched apps file the same version as phone firmware.
Patch file you can download from "downloads/2. Samsung files/Firmware/Model/patch_apps" folder

[May 21, 2012] China Editor updated to v5.4.1

- Fixed Security Zone saving (wrong scat address)
- Fixed Flash Tool hooking (every time freeze at 4%)
- Added “Uncheck Security Zone part for buffer file” at Write Differences
- Added “Add charset from file” in font window at visible place

master tools box

Thumbs up 27 June 2012 MasterBox ℳaster ℬox _V3.5.2.1028 Released !!!

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Advance Turbo Flasher

ATF v8.90 Nitro SD Update!! Public Discussion Thread:
Introducing the Official ATF Nitro SD Reader.

The ATF Nitro SD Reader enables Micro SD Card Brute-Force and
Factory Formatting Functionalities for ALL ATF Boxes without
Micro SD Card Ports. It also works on the Original ATF Chrome Box.


Ultra-Fast Communication Speed (upto 25 Mhz for Hi-Speed Capable Cards).
Fastest Brute-Force Speed with Intelligent Card Speed Threshold Adjustment.
First and ONLY Device in the GSM Industry that can retrieve SD Card Passwords without FORMAT.


Compatible with ATF Lightning, ATF Nitro and ATF Chrome Boxes with LogiCore 10.3.12 or Higher.
Compatible with ALL Micro SD Card Brands that conform or don't conform to the SD Standards.
Compatible with ALL Micro SD Card Capacities (Tested upto 128 GigaBytes).

Flashing Updates:

--> Added Support for Newer Mass Memory Content Files
--> Only Scans Existing VALID Directories for Flash Files
--> Skips MEEGO/MAEMO Flash File Intensive Pre-Parsing

Other Updates:

--> Custom PM Erase Section and Sub Field (For Expert Use Only)
--> Support for ATF Nitro SD Card Reader for SD Card BF and Factory Formatting
--> Added New Phones inside Nokia.ini

Bug Fixes:

--> Fixed AUTO-ADL Flashing Selection on LIVE RAPIDO Phones
--> Fixed Incorrect SP Lock/Open Status on One Specific Service Provider
--> Fixed USB "ULTRA SLOW" Mass Memory Flashing for Built-In EMMC Chip
--> Fixed Some Wrong Entries inside Nokia.ini

Who will buy this if you can get more in ATF?

__________________________________________________ ________________________

Buy only from ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] authorized resellers:
ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] Authorized Distributors and Resellers List

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
International -

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum
Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher))
Philippine: Gsmph
Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP
Chinese support forum : ATF Box
Vietnam: Saigonmobile
India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::.
Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM
Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile
Chinese Support forum :

The Master Piece

Download links:

Offical MirrorCreator Links

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Lightbulb LGTOOL 1.67 released! Added support for many new LG, Samsung and Alcatel phones.

by SEtool team

Version 1.67 released!

New version highlights:
Added code calc support for 4 most new LG phones - world's first!
Added support for many new Samsung and Alcatel models.


New for LGTOOL remote services:

LG E405, A270E, E612F, C193 - All World's first!

- Calculate unlock codes

Alcatel 385DX, 385JA, 585DF, 585DX, 818DX, DS1DX, V355X

- Calculate unlock codes

Alcatel 090X, 209A, 209X, 213X, 223A, 306A, 306X, 355X, 356A, 385X, 390X, 585X, 602A, 602DX, 602X, 606A, 606X, 665A, 665X, 7110A, 810X, 813A, 818A, 819DX, 888A, 900A, 900X, 905A

- Improved unlock codes calculation

New for SGTOOL module

Samsung E1050V, E1081T, E1130, E1170T, E1175T, T249

- Read E2P Codes

Samsung I8150T, S5830T, T589R

- Direct unlock
- Code Reading
- Imei Repair

Samsung I8160, I9070, I9300

- Direct Unlock (phone need to be rooted)

Samsung S5300, S5300C, S5839i, S7508

- Direct Unlock
- Imei Repair

Samsung T669V

- Read codes in QXDM mode

LGTool Official Support Forum
LGTool Official Website

FREE unlock by IMEI/MEID/ESN/MSN/SN for LG, Alcatel, ZTE, HTC, BlackBerry, Motorola and Huawei phones still free.
We are giving you an opportunity to earn some money before purchase.
This way you can decide if you really need to buy our software or it s not needed.

Please take two seconds of your time to vote for us in the best LG box thread.
Your opinion is always necessary for our team!
Vote for LGtool!

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Asansam dongle

Asansam ver 1.8.1 Released


Add Unlock & imei Repair & Reset User Code & Read and Write NVM


Add Unlock Android

Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III (Need Root)
Samsung I9300C Galaxy S III (Need Root)

Add Unbrick

Samsung I9070 Galaxy S Advance (First in world)
Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III (First in world)
Samsung S7500 Galaxy Ace Plus (First in world)

Add Flash

Samsung I9070 Galaxy S Advance
Samsung I9070P Galaxy S Advance
Samsung I9070C Galaxy S Advance
Samsung I9070H Galaxy S Advance
Samsung S6102 Galaxy Y Duos
Samsung S6102E Galaxy Y Duos
Samsung S7500 Galaxy Ace Plus
Samsung S7500L Galaxy Ace Plus
Samsung S7508 Galaxy Ace Plus
Samsung S6500D Galaxy Mini II
Samsung S5369 Galaxy Y


Add MEP-11534-010
Add MEP-14896-006

UBTOOL VER 1.0.5 Released


Add I9100G (Repair Unknown baseband)

Add i9100G UB file (FIRST IN WORLD)

  • Red method
  • Blue method
  • Orange method
  • Green method
  • Brown method

About I9100G repair

You can download the file from the link below
i9100G UB

About i9300 unlock

Please root phone manualy (kernel)

Please unistall and then install new version


mx-key update

MXKEY / MXBOX v3.5 revision 2.2 - public discussion thread

(NO CUT Version)
for Unlock iPhone 4S
with iOS 5.0.1 and 5.1

with PayPal and free delivery WirldWide

v3.5 revision 2.2, Public-Release


1. Nokia module updated to version 2.2

1.1 added: Qualcomm DLOAD flashing protocol for WP7 devices (Lumia)

1.2 added: Qualcomm eMMC Tool
- Usefull to work with lumia with unlocked bootloader (Qualcomm DLOAD)
- allows to analyze disk & partitions inside lumia eMMC chip
- allows to export / import single partitions for firmware hacking
- allows to write custom WP7 OS for lumia
- allows to restore OSBL to default (Nokia DLOAD)
- allows to edit PMM values (Product code, etc)

1.3 added: Lumia 710 bootloader unlock
- Flashing OSBL with Qualcomm DLOAD enabled, allows to root/jailbreak lumia
- With jailbreaked WP7 allows to install app (*.xap) from browser
- supported/available package for now:
RM-803 (Lumia 710)

How To:

1. Extract "RM-803_Qualcomm_DLOAD.z" to Product directory "\Products\RM-803"

2. Choose "Nokia 710 RM-803 Qualcomm DLOAD" on market item

3. Flash

4. After flashing, change phone mode to "OSBL"

5. You will see "Phone detected in "Qualcomm DLOAD" mode, please use eMMC Tool !" and eMMC Tool show up
NOTE: a Mass storage device( Qualcomm MMC Storage USB Device ) will be detected by Windows
and will ask if you want to format, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FORMAT, click "Cancel"

Install drivers for "Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM" with driver from directory "data\drivers\qcusb"

6. Download "Full Unlocked" custom OS from here Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire

7. Click "Disk Info" to identify connected phone and partitions list

8. Click "Write OS", browse to the custom OS file (*.nb)

9. Click "Restart" to restart phone to Normal mode

10. To restore OSBL back to Nokia DLOAD, use "Restore OSBL"

1.4 def\dcc list updated

1.5 minor bug fixed

2. SL3 Logger updated to version 2.2
- minor bug fixed

3. HTI Misc Tool updated to version 1.3
- minor bug fixed

Download links for MXBOX v3.5 revision 2.2:










Download link for RM-803_Qualcomm_DLOAD.z:


Nokia SL3 Unlock
promotion for HTI credits
125 HTI credits / phone
15 June 2012 to 30 June 2012

Monday, 18 June 2012

AVATOR BOX NX VER6.305 (China Phones Service Tool)
18 June 2012

What is new:

*****************************NX Ver6.305 (2012-06-18) ****************************

1+ [SPRD] Added Omnipotent Mode for SC6600L
2+ [SPRD] Added new ExtractFile function for Nand flash
3+ [MStar]MSW8532D/8533 supported
4+ Eye Care Easy Graphical user Interface (GUI)
4+ [All Chipsets] Support new flash memories:

Bug fixes:

1+ SPD Readinfo for Flash id
2+ MTK Write Flash optimized faster then before






[/B]*.Support Tab Button implemented (Feature update Only Registered user can use.)


Thursday, 14 June 2012


DC-Unlocker ...0884 Huawei E1750c Aircel,Huawei E5331, E173 MTS Uzbekistan added


Huawei E5331

Customized modems:

Huawei E1750c Feb 06 2012 15:51:29 (Aircel India)
Huawei E173 May 27 2011 12:55:39 (MTS Uzbekistan)

Download DC-Unlocker

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Infinity Box [ BEST ] 1.47 released

BEST v1.47

- USB flashing improved

- BB5 USB loaders updated to v12.14.0
- Added QSD based phones flashing support (Lumia 900 and same)
- Added MDM part flashing support (Lumia 900 and same)
- File checking improved before flashing (QC,INF)

- Service operations improved

- Restore SL improved
- Added support for new types
- splitted sl30/sl3 support under test
- SPR reading improved
- RPL operations improved
- RPL read/write revised on all supported generations/interfaces

- Other

- VPL parser updated for WP phones
- Added only 1/309 write option in Write PM
- Server sx4 improved
- S60vX sms extraction was broken, fixed

- Stuff files updated

- PM collection revised
- Ini updated and revised
- Some interface changes
- some bugfixes

Sunday, 10 June 2012

MTS zte n600+ unlocking free for now!!!

MTS ZTE N600+ unlock 100% working...

6.ENTER PASSWORD "ztesmt123"
10.After Full Flash.Pull battery and put battery.And Put Sim and Power On.
11.Then Go To setting and Select "A"
12.Select First option and change Language.
13.For Net Access.Apn will be #777
14.user name and pass According to using Service Provider

N600+ Flasher          ZTE N600+ Driver 
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 06:54:26 PM by Administrator »

infinity cdma

04 Jun 2012: CDMA-Tool v1.85  released (Modem-Update)

 Micromax-MMX-610C unlock code (NCK, Flash) calculation
.Huawei-E162 unlock code (NCK, Flash) calculation
.Micromax-MMX-300 unlock code (RCK, NCK) calculation under test
.Micromax-MMX-310G unlock code (RCK, NCK) calculation under test
.Micromax-MMX-350G unlock code (RCK, NCK) calculation under test
.Micromax-MMX-352G unlock code (RCK, NCK) calculation under test

We are waiting fro your test reports !

DC-Unlocker software activation for Infinity-Box users (FREE unlock available)

Infinity-Box 8 (eight) years (2005 - 2012) non-stop regular updates and support, as nobody else: Infinity-Box - News

New features and Software Activations released for Infinity-Box Online Service (based on Infinity-Credits)

- World biggest flash files database for several thousands brands/models
- Infinity-Box Variants & Packages
- Technical Support Forum
- BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
- CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
- Language & Resource Editor for MT62xx based models
- Extract phonebook (and other content) from alive and dead phone
- Follow us on Twitter
- Facebook
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Saturday, 9 June 2012

octopus box samsung

Octopus Box Samsung Software v1.4.3 - public discussion thread

Octopus Box Samsung Software v1.4.3

Added support for the following models:
  • X01SC - added Direct Unlock, Read/Write/Repair NVM.
  • SC-03D - added Unlock, Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM.
  • GT-I5800 - added Unlock, Read Codes, Repair IMEI (thanks to Mr. YASS YASS).
  • GT-I5800L - added Unlock, Read Codes, Repair IMEI (thanks to Mr. YASS YASS).
  • GT-I5801 - added Unlock, Read Codes, Repair IMEI (thanks to Mr. YASS YASS).
  • GT-S5750 - added Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware (thanks to Mr. YASS YASS).
  • GT-S5750E - added Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware (thanks to Mr. YASS YASS).
  • GT-S5753 - added Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware (thanks to Mr. YASS YASS).
  • GT-S5753E - added Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware (thanks to Mr. YASS YASS).
Octopus Box team is endlessly grateful to customers who were actively involved in improving this software.

Download Octopus Box Samsung Software v1.4.3

Octopus Box Samsung Software v1.4.2

Added support for the following models:

  • SGH-T769 - added Unlock, Write Firmware, Read/Write/Repair NVM.
  • SGH-I8700 - added Unlock, Read Codes, Repair IMEI, Read/Write/Repair NVM (thanks to Mr. YASS YASS).
  • GT-P1000N - added Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware, Repair IMEI, Read/Write/Repair NVM.
  • GT-S5780 - added Unlock, Read Codes, Write Firmware (thanks to Mr. YASS YASS).
  • SGH-C414 - added Read Codes.
  • SGH-C414M - added Read Codes.
  • SGH-C414R - added Read Codes.
  • SGH-C414V - added Read Codes.
  • SGH-C414W - added Read Codes.
  • SGH-C414Y - added Read Codes.
  • SGH-T259 - added Read Codes.

Octopus Box team is endlessly grateful to customers who were actively involved in improving this software.

Download Octopus Box Samsung Software v1.4.2

Friday, 8 June 2012

How connect SPD CPU with COM PORT(RX/TX)

Today I want to explain how connect SPD CPU with COM PORT(RX/TX)
Because some handset connect with Rx/Tx and also users post about this! This reason I make this thread
How connect SPD CPU with COM PORT(RX/TX) without open handset!

Here is images

1st Step

 2nd step

Note:-Direct select COM PORT interface not detect properly I try many time this reason I post this method



   Display # 
# Article Title Author Hits
1 Samsung Android Models ROOT Files TSAR3000 19820
2 SAMSUNG ARABIC Flash Files TSAR3000 80440
3 Samsung B5510 / B / L Galaxy Y Pro Firmwares TSAR3000 777
4 Samsung B5512 / B Galaxy Y Pro Duos Firmwares TSAR3000 630
5 Samsung E2P (EEPROM) Files TSAR3000 15569
6 Samsung Firmwares - USA Networks and Carriers TSAR3000 6203
7 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( A ) Series TSAR3000 19842
8 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( B ) Series TSAR3000 110762
9 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( C ) Series TSAR3000 146866
10 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( D ) Series TSAR3000 10860
11 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( E ) Series TSAR3000 118723
12 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( F ) Series TSAR3000 16597
13 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( G ) Series TSAR3000 13524
14 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( I ) Series TSAR3000 299473
15 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( J ) Series TSAR3000 6730
16 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( L ) Series TSAR3000 5566
17 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( M ) Series TSAR3000 19725
18 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( P ) Series TSAR3000 69358
19 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( S ) Series TSAR3000 597664
20 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( U ) Series TSAR3000 7507
21 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( X ) Series TSAR3000 4494
22 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( Z ) Series TSAR3000 5188
23 SAMSUNG Flash Files ( T ) Series TSAR3000 16260
24 Samsung Full Flash Files - Full Firmwares TSAR3000 29490
25 Samsung I717 Galaxy Note Firmwares TSAR3000 807
26 Samsung I8150 / B Galaxy W Firmwares TSAR3000 3217
27 Samsung I8160 Galaxy Ace 2 Firmwares TSAR3000 637
28 Samsung I8350 Omnia W Firmwares TSAR3000 152
29 Samsung I8700 Omnia 7 Firmwares TSAR3000 202
30 Samsung I9000 / I9000B / I9000M / I9000T Galaxy S Firmwares TSAR3000 353
31 Samsung I9001 Galaxy S Plus Firmwares TSAR3000 286
32 Samsung I9003 / I9003L Galaxy SL Firmwares TSAR3000 74
33 Samsung I9010 Galaxy S Giorgio Armani Firmwares TSAR3000 184
34 Samsung I9020 - I9023 Google Nexus S Firmwares TSAR3000 199
35 Samsung I9070 Galaxy S Advance Firmwares TSAR3000 1251
36 Samsung I9100 / G / M / P / T Galaxy S II Firmwares TSAR3000 14508
37 Samsung I9103 Galaxy R Firmwares TSAR3000 1331
38 Samsung I9210 - I9210T Galaxy S II LTE Firmwares TSAR3000 149
39 Samsung I9250 Galaxy Nexus Firmwares TSAR3000 297
40 Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III Firmwares TSAR3000 1241
41 SAMSUNG N7000 / N7000B Galaxy Note Firmwares TSAR3000 15807
42 Samsung Original USB Drivers TSAR3000 170415
43 Samsung P1010 Galaxy Tab WI-FI Firmwares TSAR3000 241
44 Samsung P3100 Galaxy Tab 2 ( 7.0 ) Firmwares TSAR3000 691
45 Samsung P3110 Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0) Firmwares TSAR3000 720
46 Samsung P5100 Galaxy Tab 2 ( 10.1 ) Firmwares TSAR3000 523
47 Samsung P5110 Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 Firmwares TSAR3000 250
48 Samsung P6200 / P6200L / P6201 Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus Firmwares TSAR3000 1565
49 Samsung P6210 / P6211 Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus WIFI Firmwares TSAR3000 462
50 Samsung P6800 Galaxy Tab 7.7 Firmwares TSAR3000 431
51 Samsung P6810 Galaxy Tab 7.7 WIFI Firmwares TSAR3000 362
52 Samsung P7100 Galaxy Tab 10.1v Firmwares TSAR3000 389
53 Samsung P7300 Galaxy Tab 8.9 Firmwares TSAR3000 675
54 Samsung P7310 Galaxy Tab 8.9 WIFI Firmwares TSAR3000 531
55 Samsung P7320 / P7320T Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE Firmwares TSAR3000 405
56 Samsung P7500 / D / M / R / P7501 Galaxy Tab 10.1 3G Firmwares TSAR3000 961
57 Samsung P7510 / P7511 Galaxy Tab 10.1 and 10.1N Firmwares TSAR3000 388
58 Samsung S5300 Galaxy Pocket Firmwares TSAR3000 1199
59 Samsung S5360 / B / L / T / S5363 / S5369 Galaxy Y Firmwares TSAR3000 8694
60 Samsung S5570 Galaxy Mini - B - L Firmwares TSAR3000 3869
61 Samsung S5570i Galaxy Pop Plus Firmwares TSAR3000 2677
62 Samsung S5660 / L / M / V Galaxy Gio Firmwares TSAR3000 332
63 Samsung S5670 / L Galaxy Fit Firmwares TSAR3000 1987
64 Samsung S5690 Galaxy Xcover Extreme Firmwares TSAR3000 1565
65 Samsung S5830 / B / C / D / I / L / M / T / Z S5839I Galaxy Ace Firmwares TSAR3000 22576
66 Samsung S6102 Galaxy Y Duos Firmwares TSAR3000 1678
67 Samsung S6500D Galaxy Mini 2 Firmwares TSAR3000 942
68 Samsung S7500 / L Galaxy Ace Plus Firmwares TSAR3000 3185
69 Samsung S8600 Wave 3 Firmwares TSAR3000 2783
70 Samsung SGH-T869 Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus T-Mobile Firmwares TSAR3000 651
71 Samsung SGH-T989 Galaxy S II T-Mobile Firmwares TSAR3000 1107
72 Samsung SPH-D710 Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch Firmwares TSAR3000 620
73 Samsung SPH-D720 Galaxy Nexus S 4G Firmwares TSAR3000 727

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Vodafone K3570-z

How to Unlock Vodafone K3570-z (ZTE modem)

Hello Friendz,

This is Easy Tutorial on k3570-z (ZTE)
Follow this given steps you can able to use any SIM on your stick

Step 1 : 
Things You have to needed
1.  USB Stick Vodafone K3570-z
2.  VMB Software which contain all driver for your device
3.  New Dashboard Software For Your Stick (which is available here)
4.  Some 5-10min of Time to use this stick

Step 2 :
Install device driver For your device to connect the stick with your PC

Step 3 :
Make sure that you have successfully Uninstalled your VMB from your computer

Step 4 :
Download this New Dashboard From here...

Download here
Password For This RAR File

Step 5 :
Install this Software In your Computer & Open It
May be Reboot is needed in some Old PC's

Step 6 :
Now Connect your Stick in your computer

Step 7 :
After Detecting the network on this Software
Create Profile according to your SIM

For more information,
Here some APN given...


IDEA - internet

BSNL - bsnlnet


AIRCEL - aircelgprs

TATA DOCOMO - tata.docomo.internet

UNINOR - uninor

Sunday, 3 June 2012

All Softwares are 100% ILLEGAL

Let me clear this More -

No Software/Tool/Boxes/Dongles/Hardlocked-Tools/Lisenced Softwares/
are Legal

No need to mention name All Softwares are 100% ILLEGAL
So its upto the user how and up to what extent he/she takes risk to repair/alter/upgrades mobiles via these tools.

All Brands and their firmwares are Copyright Protected.

Repairing via Hardware/changing components are Legal on the condition
if no alteration is done on OTP area via Component Changing.

Better to proceed this Business Under Brand's Banner.
Any one can apply for that, provided you are eligible


Saturday, 2 June 2012

Cyclone Box

Hi, new firmware for Cyclone Box is ready.

What's new?
- Added support for Blackberry MEP-14896-006 - FIRST IN THE UNIVERSE

Just update your box using "Box Wizard".

Join us on facebook: Cyclone Box | Facebook

Best Regards,
Cyclone Box Team

 CycloneBox Reloaded Launched and new Installer v1.20

Cyclone Box Reloaded
Some More Basic Information :
- USB Bus powered only, 5V @ 500mA (2.5W)
- USB 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0 Compatible
- Supported Operating Systems: All NT based Windows OS (including x86 and x64 platforms - drivers signed for 64bit) - this includes Windows NT, Windows Xp, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and upcoming
- Lightweight construction
- No Smartcard Connector
- Nokia Flashbus / FBUS RJ48 connector with TX and RX signalling LED. Pinout is UFS/JAF compatible (no need adapters anymore, plug it straight).
- Based on well-tested AVR32 technology in Cyclone Classic, powered by 66MHz 32bit RISC cpu
- Built-in VPP generator for old NOR based phones
- USB signalling led (USB transaction signalling)
- VBAT singalling led (power-up status of Flashbus port)
- Works also as USB dongle for USB-only operations, if USB connectivity with Nokia phones is needed
- Operates 100% standalone (after initial registration)

The Cyclone box classic is 100% supported and will be supported in all the future updates so no need to worry and keep enjoying your cyclone box

New CycloneBox Installer v1.20 (03.05.2012)

Things which introduced in new Version

- New Faster and reliable Hw introduced (Cyclone Box Reloaded)
- New Loaders v11.50.00 added
- FastMM v4.99 Introduced
- MEP-40488-004 added
- Xgold113 (Dual-sim) RPL write support added- Project completly refactorized from scratch. Compiler changed from obsolete Delphi7 to Delphi2007. Just because of this, lots of stability and speed improvment gained.
- "News" added in main window
- "New Super Easy Downgrade" BB5 method added (Backup,flash,downgrade,restore rpl all just in one click)Tick in before-flash tasks
- Added Windows 7 interactive progressbar when minimized to tray. When software is minimized, you will notice status of current job: green progressbar - working, red progressbar - error, yellow-paused, etc
- Boot recovery added for all boxes during box wizard
- Added COD->NCK verification upon data generation
- After COD->NCK calculation, NCK codes are automatically stored inside COD file
- New Paths is now addded to default Flash Path Search table (C:\Users\xxxx\AppData... etc)
- Box wizard Added; this is all-in-one tool which will: repair, upgrade, activate, register, bootloader recovery, smartcard refill, bootloader upgrade, etc your box. Just one click.


- No need anymore to tick "Old USB flashing method" manually, it's detected automatically
- When Windows 7 is detected, software is not hidden to tray
- Bootloader reverted to v2.13 (temporary solution, v3.01 will get back soon)
- Automatic smartcard refill when empty addded
- Software is redesigned now. To gain full funcionality YOU DON'T NEED run as "Admin". This means you can be ensured about our software quality and security - no hidden trojans (as happened before with other products).
- Splash updated
- Box Registration module removed (box wizard introduced)
- Box Maintenance module removed (box wizard introduced)
- Card Maintenance module removed (box wizard introduced)
- The paths is now updated on each sw startup
- Only one copy of Cyclone Box application can be launched now, this improves stability
- "cyclonebox.dll not found" message when no drivers installed changed to suitable message box asking to connect your box first time and install drivers
- Skin Stack Updated to v7.62

Bug Fixes

- Windows7 Permission issues fixed (needed "Run as admin" to work properly with autoupdate)
- Fixed Windows7 Save Paths/Settings problem
- BB5 loader problems when skin enbled (ROM refused...etc)
- Access violation on exit fixed
- CBUS Lost Handle Fixed
- "cyclonebox.dll not found" message when no drivers installed changed to suitable message box asking to connect your box first time and install drivers
- libeay/ssleay libraries updated to latest one, much more fast and stable
- NCK Code Sending fixed for SIMLOC30 phones (0x01 error)
- Fixed tray issues
- Autoupdate code is now checking for installed installer, if obsolete then asks for download latest version
- Improved RPL backup in USB mode (Custom Loader didn't reset phone to FlashMode, and some backups did contain Superdongle/Simlock data only)
- XGold/Blackberry Service "Credits" renamed to "Counter" (because it is a counter, not real fee-credits), as it puts too much confusion
- "security problem #1" solved on those who copied cyclonebox.dll before
- Fixed interrupted auto-update problems (after restart - this is not valid Win32 application)
- Minor changes and bugfixes

Important Notes

1. If you are using old (Classic) Cyclone Box and having old Card serial number (2009,2010) and after latest
bootloader upgrade, your box can't enter into bootloader mode, your box boot need Recovery. This will be proceeded AUTOMATICALLY, just use Box Wizard.
2. Box Maintenance, Box Registration, Card Maintenance are removed from this release
3. Your box having 3 firmware update tickets from now: if for any reason you need more just post your request Here
4. Box Firmware v02.01 is required, so this update could be operational
5. Use "Box Wizard". This is one-click tool for box repair (boot recovery), upgrade, activation, registration, smartcard upgrade/initialization, and so on.
6. If you are using Windows 7, autoupdate in old version may fail (fixed already). In case download installer directly, or run SW with Admin privileges.
7. ALWAYS fresh installer you could find at: <====== Installer
Http:// <=========Mirror
8. Autoupdate after updating EXE should ask you for downloading and installing latest installer. If something will fail during Autoupdate process, just look at 7 and download Installer manually.

CycloneBox Classic and Reloaded Official Website


Cyclone Team Official Facebook page

by SEtool team

Version 1.64 released!

New version highlights:
Added support for LG Optimus LTE 2 and other most new phones - first in the world!
Added remote support (calc unlock codes) for Doro phones.
Added direct support for many HTC models, added calc codes for:
HTC One S,
HTC One X,
This service is WORLD FIRST and EXLUSIVE and ONLY available for our customers. Noone can do it using any other existing box!
Stop loosing money! Download the latest version and start winning with LGTOOL - THE ULTIMATE MONEY MAKING MACHINE!

New for LGTOOL direct services:

LG T370, T375

- Read/write full
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write File System
- Unlock
- Read user code
- Read/Repair IMEI
- Read/patch Bluetooth address
- Fix security
- Flash firmware

LG A200

- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write User File system
- Unlock
- Read/repair IMEI
- read/patch Bluetooth address
- read version info
- Flash firmware

LG A235

- Read/Write Full
- Read/Write NVM
- Read/Write User File system
- Flash firmware
- Unlock* beta
- Read/repair IMEI* beta
- Read/repair IMEI2* beta
- read/patch Bluetooth address
- read version info
- cpu detection
- lock MCC/MNC detection

HTC Wildfire S, Marvel, A510e, ChaCha, ChaChaCha, Status, A810e, Salsa, Icon, C510e, Desire, Bravo, A8181

- Read unlock codes

New for LGTOOL remote services:

LG F160L, F160S, T395, C395P, AS695, P705F, P705GO, L05D - All World's first!

- Calculate unlock codes

HTC One X, One S, One XL - All World's first and exclusive!

- Calculate unlock codes

Doro 345 GSM, PhoneEasy 345, PhoneEasy 409, PhoneEasy 409s, PhoneEasy 410, PhoneEasy 410s, PhoneEasy 610, PhoneEasy 610s

- Calculate unlock codes

Friday, 1 June 2012

Maxx MX488 Blinking Problem Solution.....

By UCT / DRAGON.........
The problem is when we format the set set on...OK
But when we write IMEI no...The set starts blinking again...

Solution by VOLCANO........
Write IMEI....OK set still on but network problem...because there is "w" (alphabet) in the IMEI no
Now write full flash readed from a OK set

Problem solved...................


31.05.2012, SagemEG_V20.2, rebuild Security aread added!

31.05.2012, SagemEG_V20.2, rebuild Security aread added!
What`s new?
Two new functions added!
- Create BKP
- Write RPL
Both functions are added for testing new (world first ) solution for unlocking and repairing ULC2 phones listed bellow.
-A35, A36, A36+, A61, A62, A65, A68, A68+, A301, A302, A302+, A306, A306+, A316, A316+, A316G+, S305, S305+, S308, S309, S312, S315, S315+, S317, S318, S319, TMN1010, TMN2000, SFR11, SFR112, Z100, VF125, VF125FM, VF136, VF225, VF225FM, VF227, VF236.
Do you have phone with damaged IMEI or corrupted Security area?
Do you want to repair/change IMEI or rebuild fully erased Security area?
Now you can, no matter how and with what tool it happened!
Both functions are standalone.

How it works?
Create BKP file, send it to, post also what IMEI you want to have.
We will rebuild new security area (file with rpl extension).
After receiving rpl file, place it in SagemEG_V20.2 folder and make Write RPL.
You will get repaired phone with original/new IMEI and unlocked Security area.

This offer could be used by all SagDD users temporarily.
At the moment rebuilding Security area require few minutes.
We are working on real time solution and to offer same solution for all ULC2 phones - HUAWEI, Mi Phone and all others.

Something about future updates!
Till today SagDD supports some phones (G1101, G1000) by calculating NCK only.
So, if there is G1000, G1101 with damaged security area, we can help after receiving a sample, no matter damaged or in working condition.

Just for fun!!
We can relock phones to another operator (one or few).As you know, unlocking with our present unlockers never kill phones, because we used safe unlocking algo.
Also with our unlockers you can in any time restore the phone to original condition by using Backup file.
Now with new solution is possible to repair damaged itself phones or phones damaged during unlocking with another tool!
It`s real Security area rebuild without any flash patching!

Offered solution can`t solve the problem with dead phones (not switched ON phones).
Of course we can offer in the future flashing empty board wirh rebuilding of Security area!

SagDD support continues!

Good luck!

SagDD Team